#119: An eventful and fun Tuesday evening!

1. The aesthetic dinner! First, let’s take a minute to admire this beautiful and healthy version of a Dark Chocolate Tart! With the Whole Wheat Spaghetti in Kale Pesto Sauce for mains, I’m in a massive food-coma but never felt more satiated. 2. Meeting some wonderful people! Well, Tuesday evening got eventful when I had…

#116: Making someone else happy!

I started my day today by reading this heartwarming quote, “If you have the power to make someone happy, do it. The world needs more of that.” This quote compelled me to think of “Khushi”/happiness a bit differently. Yesterday, I wrote about my Khushi, today I wanted to focus on making someone else happy. It’s…

Highlight of the Day #97: Getting things done

It was a Monday today where a lot of things got done; tasks and household chores that had been put off for a long time by the entire family were accomplished! At the end of the day, everyone is tired but it’s important to celebrate all the tasks done today: We finally got a new…

Highlight of the day #74: The Chandni, doodling and a phone call!

Since yesterday, I’ve had the worst headache in a long time. To keep up with my daily blog routine, I posted a wordless post yesterday and for the better part of today, this headache has kept me feeling low. The day, however, picked up early evening, when I dragged myself to the kitchen to make…