Highlight of the day #47: My Dad is a Foodie!

Here’s why today is significant:
– it’s Day #47 of daily blogging
– it’s Fathers’ Day
– it’s Faisle ki Ghadi i.e. Decision Day on my Gulab Jamun (read yesterday’s post for context)
– it’s the day bro and I, cooked tiny portions of a lot of dishes, because Dad is a major foodie!

Well, one backstory before I dive right in, Dad specifically loves Indian Mithai! Every few months we make a trip down to Mumbai, and we necessarily stop by Dad’s favorite Mithai shop in Colaba; where Dad orders a Panchvati: a selection of atleast five different pieces of their fresh mithai!

Obviously, this was pre-covid, and obviously, making five different mithai at home is difficult, if not impossible. Between the two of us, bro and I made three!

The Brekkie:

Made by me

Keeping it simple, I made Poha for breakfast, along with the Gulab Jamun! Honestly I couldn’t wait to find out if Dad likes it or not.

And he did!

Bro liked it too! I wouldn’t dare compare it to the mithai shop’s, but for a first time attempt at home-made from scratch jamuns, these were fantastic!

The Lunch:

Lunch was by bro: Kofta’s made from an assortment of veggies in a beautiful tomato gravy, light as air Rotis and Mango Halwa!

My brother has been doing wonders incorporating Mango dishes; who knew there was more to Mangoes than aamras?

The Mango Halwa was delicious, and definitely knocked me into a food coma!

The Cake:

Another one of bro’s ideas, that I helped him a bit on. The Rabdi flavoured ice-cream cake fit perfectly in our Indian mithai theme of the day!

This home-made ice cream cake had the perfect texture, right balance of flavours and while I could manage just a small piece of this cake, I hope to dive into it tomorrow once the food coma of the day subsides.

The Dinner:

For dinner, I made a small portion of simple Dal Chawal, because at the end of the day, comfort food is all anyone really needs. ❤️

Lastly, The Dad:

In 2018 I wrote this post which has an open letter to my Dad. This is my most read blogpost on Kudihighonlife till date, and here’s why: I genuinely meant each and every word I wrote.

Dad and me, today ❤️

I’m copy pasting the same letter here today because:
– this letter was perfect, I don’t have better words to express myself.
– I find myself teary-eyed knowing I can’t, and I don’t say it enough.

My Dearest Dad,

I know I haven’t always been the model daughter. I have ignored your rules and disrespected you a few times. We’ve had our quarrels and fights, but at the end of the day, I know how much you love me. I know how you spend each waking moment of your life trying to make it better for me, I know all you want is for me to be happy and live my life the best way I can.

Daddy, you were the first man I ever loved, and I hope you know: I love you more each day, more than you know. I cannot imagine a world without you and your constant protection, your unswerving love. I have never once doubted your love for me. Yes, sometimes when you’re angry or chose to yell at me, I have disliked your methods; but I’ve always realised it is out of love.

From the time, you held my hand as a child and dropped me off at school, and then like clockwork picked me up too. From teaching me how to drive, how to stand up for myself, to your constant advise, your wisdom and patience, and most of all working your entire day’s schedule around me: the examples of your selflessness are far too many. Each time you put me ahead of yourself, is another moment I am indebted to you. You are the best father a daughter could ask for, for making my life the best it could be and for giving me all the happiness that is in the world.

If ever I don’t say it enough, and I know I don’t; we tend to show our love in through actions than to say the words, often; but it’s imperative to say it, I love you.
Always have, always will! 

Your Little Girl!

Until tomorrow, xx

7 Comments Add yours

  1. Vimmi Thakur says:


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you ☺️

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Food seems delicious.
    In my family, we eat Poha with jalebi.
    Typical north Indian combination!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!
      The combo sounds delicious I’m going to have to try making Jalebi next time 🤤

      Liked by 1 person

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